Inseparable relations between NFT and Filecoin

3 min readOct 14, 2020
Source: cryptokitties official website

As the Filecoin mainnet launch day is getting closer, web3.0 is about to form.

Let’s briefly review the concepts of Filecoin and IPFS: Filecoin is an incentive of the IPFS, a decentralized network system, which runs cloud storage in the form of an algorithm. platform. Filecoin miners can earn Filecoin by providing storage space for clients, and clients need to pay Filecoin to the miners to store or retrieve data. In addition to competing with each other to mine Filecoin, the storage power of miners is based on their enthusiasm for storage, thereby incentivizing miners to provide clients with more storage space. Filecoin network greatly improves security, because data is encrypted, and stored by the storage provider all around the world, at the same time they cannot obtain the decryption key.

According to Filecoin’s official website, Space Race 2: Slingshot has stored a lot of valuable data, such as astronomy and meteorology, optical fiber data, etc., and its storage capacity is sufficient to store other precious data. The Filecoin team stated that they strongly encouraged Slingshot participants to store data that is of great help and value to medicine, science, and culture perspectives, such as space data, COVID-19 data, museum data, and so on.

Among them, apart from the museum data mentioned by the team, such as museum artifacts, antiquities, etc. Artists can also make use of Filecoin’s huge storage network and cooperate with NFT to store their artworks.

What is NFT?

NFT, named as Non-Fungible Token. It has the advantages of non-copy ability and uniqueness. It can save the rare value of items and store it permanently on the blockchain.

Recently, Ben Gentilli, an artist who created Block 21, used code to paint Satoshi Nakamoto. After the buyer bought this painting and its NFT token, not only can this NFT token be used to prove that the Block 21 he bought is unique and authentic, he can also watch the digital version. If he trades again, he can track it on the computer.

In the blockchain, tokens can be divided into two types: FT and NFT. FT is totally different from NFT. It is a fungible token, just like, Bitcoin and Ether, etc. For instance, I own 1 Bitcoin, which is no different from the Bitcoin you own. It can be substituted for each other : I can divide 1 bitcoin into 4 parts and send it to you separately. But on the contrary, non-fungible items cannot. For example, Picasso’s portrait is a tangible non-fungible object, it is unique and cannot be transmitted separately.

NFT and Filecoin are inseparable

Using a distributed network, uploaded data can be safely stored around the world permanently. However, depending on the Filecoin network only cannot ensure the uniqueness and rarity of artworks.

Using the Filecoin network, creators can upload their works, but they cannot avoid the risk of plagiarism, because everyone can claim to be the original creator. On the other hand, if creators use NFT, they can establish unique patents for their works, just like granting an intangible certificate, which protects the intellectual property rights and interests of the creators.

The most familiar crypto-game, CryptoKitty, also uses NFT. At present, the virtual treasures in online games are not fully owned by players. Game dealers only “rent” virtual treasures to players, and they can definitely take them back at any time. If the NFT technology is applied to the virtual treasure of the game, the dominant power will fall on the players, so that they can trade with each other, which greatly increases the level of freedom.

NFT has great potential. After Block 21, creators have successively adopted NFT technology, such as Fewocious, A 17-year-old foreign painter recently integrated its creation into NFT technology and sold it. With the Filecoin network, there will be many application scenarios in the future, which can further protect the intellectual property rights of artists.




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