Maximise the power of 5G by IPFS

2 min readOct 23, 2020

It’s been years since 4G network publicized. Data usage continues to increase, for instance, the quality of video rises from 720p to 4K. Meanwhile, the network keeps the same until the development of the 5G network. 4G networks can no longer fulfil the demand of the data usage by people, especially when thousands of people browse the internet at the same time in the same area, network stucks. 5G has been highly anticipated to improve the speed of the network.


What is 5G?

According to the definition of Quaicomm, 5G is the 5th generation mobile network. It enables a wireless technology that is designed to connect people and everything together including machines and devices.

5G wireless technology also means to provide higher data speeds, lower latency, more reliability, massive network capacity, increased availability, and united user experience.

Data speed problem solves, investment and research including space data, astronomical and weather data etc. are benefited from the speed brought by 5G.

Nevertheless, where can these huge amounts of data be stored in the future?

Recently, Filecoin Space Race proved its ability to store excessive amounts of data, and further encouraged storing other valuable data, for example COVID-19 data and museum data.

Filecoin is the storage and incentive layer of IPFS system. IPFS is a point-to-point hypermedia protocol. Users can adopt the distributed network of IPFS to store and transmit data to each other. It aims at replacing the traditional hypertext transfer protocol HTTP, abandoning the transfer of files downloaded from a centralized server to a local browser. and changing into a point-to-point download, to provide a safer, faster Internet experience.

Research and investment data keep rising everyday, not even our data, indicating that we cannot depend on centralised storage system. Organisations and governments are going to discuss the possibility of using IPFS storage system for storing data, sooner or later. While 5G network is topping the headline once again after the Apple Event last week, the application of IPFS system is well worth to pay attention, as 5G is also one of the components of constructing web 3.0.




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